Contact us

To contact us, please use the form provided. If you have not heard from us within a couple of days, please call us on 01760 338005, or email us directly with the address on the left, (we occasionally get technical issues with this contact form.)

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Narborough Fisheries,
    Main Road, Narborough,
    PE32 1TE

    We are located halfway between Kings Lynn and Swaffham, just off the A47. You should see a brown road sign at the junction to Narborough Trout Lakes. Please submit all photos to note that occasionally we do have problems with our mail server, where return emails do not always get through and go to the Junk/Spam folder.  If you have not heard back from us within a couple of hours, please ring us at the fishery on – 01760 338005
    You can look up and print off our brochure and map from the provided link below:
    Narborough Fisheries Brochure and Lake Map